From we have at your disposal a personalized route service at the customer’s request. We adapt and organize a mountain day that you will never forget, we will show you places of ownership and the surroundings that few people know about. The routes will be guided so you can discover everything and offer a unique experience!
Who are we?
Joel Garcia Viñas
Guía Acompanyant en Muntanya Mitjana-
Tècnic Esportiu en Muntanya Mitjana
Inscrit a l’Associació Espanyola de Guies de Muntanya (AEGM)
Membre de l’Associació Internacional UIMLA
tlf: 615306447
Why is guiding service important? “A guide is a professional who performs CONDUCTION, conducts TEACHING and SPORTS TRAINING, MANAGES THE RISK of activities carried out in the natural environment, providing security to all the members of the group that performs them”
You want to discover your ability to ‘adaptation to the mountain? Want to get out of your comfort zone? Enjoy the experience you choose and improve your mountain autonomy.
What do we offer? the possibility to take guided routes to the Tinença of Benifassà, the Ports or the Pyrenees with the experience and the formation of a professional guide. What activities do we carry out? Day trips, stages routes, guidance courses, security courses and mountain risks, winter snowshoeing routes, 3000m peaks, day and stage runnings outings, day and stage BTT departures. For all age groups, from small to large.
What do we do?
- Introduce our territory in several ways: The Route of the 7 Peoples of the Tinença de Benifassà: This route is born of anxiety and courage to unite the seven towns that make up this historical region on a route dedicated to lovers of the mountain. It consists of two itineraries, one 80kms and one 100kms, all of the same beauty but the first with less physical and technical exigency. The route can be done in 2, 3, 4 and 5 stages, the client decides according to their criteria and time to make the route. Here you will find all the info:
- The 3 Kingdoms in BTT: We continue with the great stages routes. The 3 Kingdoms in BTT idea to meet the existing demand on routes with a great mountain bike ride. This ideal route to do it in 3 stages unites the 3 ancient historical kingdoms of Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia, and runs through 2 natural parks such as the Tinença de Benifassà, in Castellón and the Ports, in Catalonia. 180kms of authentic BTT await those who dare to cross their paths and paths. It can also be done in two stages for those who want to enjoy a BTT weekend. Here you will find all the information:
- Excursions personalized: From we make personalized routes to the liking of the client, you propose and we will take care of that you enjoy a route of charm by our beloved land .
- Own excursions: As in love with our tenure, we have our own routes made with the greatest enthusiasm to satisfy our most demanding customers. On our website you will find the whole list.
- Programmed excursions: It moves us the concern to improve and for this reason we schedule routes so that people can discover the Tenure of our hand, be alert to the news in our facebook, twitter, or the web.
Què és un guia de muntanya?
- Un Guia de Montanya t’acompanya a la teva activitat per la muntanya, preparant la planificació, assesoran-te amb el material que necessites i procurant el benestar del grup.
- Aporta valor a la teva sortida: Informació, coneixement de la zona, recomanacions, etc.
- Gestiona els riscos i soluciona els imprevistos que puguin sortir: mal temps, accidents, etc.
- És un professional qualificat per a liderar, ensenyar, entrenar i donar suport als seus clients, de forma remunerada, en totes les àrees i estacions, inclòs el terreny nevat amb raquetes.
- És un professional reconegut internacionalment per pertànyer a la UIMLA (Union Internacional of Mountain Lider Association).
- És un docent formador en escoles de tècnics esportius.
- És un entrenador que pot dissenyar plans d’entrenament per als seus clients.
- És un coneixedor de l’entorn i del medi que treballa amb coneixements de geologia, biologia, geografia, cartografia i promotor de la seva conservació i protecció.
Per consultar pressupost només heu d’enviar un correu a i nosaltres ens posem en contacte.
(Totes les nostres sortides tenen assegurança de RC, està inscrita al Registre d’Empreses i Activitats Turístiques de la Comunitat Valenciana amb el codi TA-31-CS, guia de muntanya mitjana-tècnic esportiu en muntanya mitjana-UIMLA, inscrit al ROPE de Catalunya, inscrit a la AEGM)